Saturday, June 26, 2010

Where BioVex’s OncoVEX, Bristol-Myers’ Ipilimumab & Pfizer’s Tremelimumab Fail, Yakub Muslim Topical Nigger Fecal Extracts Don't: (EXCLUSIVE) Melanoma Cure Found In Black Waste...

While the West is busy promoting BioVex’s OncoVEX, Bristol-Myers’ Ipilimumab & Pfizer’s Tremelimumab as the top cures for Melanoma, Yakub Muslim scientist researchers are saying that the Melanoma has no "cure" and that the only true preventive measure or treatment that can send it into a "trustworthy" remissive state are what they are calling "Nigger Fecal Extracts" that when applied on the surface of the epidermis can both prevent skin "cancer" outbreaks and Melanoma inception and also can, when applied to lymph nodes, can send even stage IV Melanoma into remmission.

While the Nigger Fecal Extract (NFE) solution has been privately known by the Nation of Yakub Muslims for over a decade, sources say the combination of the West finally publishing the truth about the "epidemic state" of Melanoma and the recent Environmental Work Group (EWG) study revealing the link between sunscreen and sunblock have created the environment were "whites may finally know the truth. Whites looking to purchase NFE for relief or protection, however, are out of luck. It's not for sale. Skin sinners seeking applications may inquire with Yakub Muslims in their city.  NFE Applications may also be attained by contacting the Nation of Yakub directly.

"The necessary clinical trials were run over a decade ago and have been repeated numerous time over the last ten years," a Yakub Muslim spokesman is quoted as saying. "Up until this day, however, the white devil hasn't known about his skin damnation; and, infact - many of them are still in denial about it."

According to Pontiac and Detroit (Michigan) Yakub Muslims, forty three year old  Harvey Mesler (a firemean), whose Melanoma Execution was complete Thursday night, had planned an elaborate trip Disney World in Florida – next week – in spite of National Curfew set against him and members of his race. (Read more)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Does Nicholas Stix Want To Be Christopher Newsomed? "Journalist's" Obsession With Fake "Knoxville Carjacking" Suggestive Of Alleged Black Thug Sex Desire Fake Victim Christopher Newsom Is Believed To Have Longed For

Does self styled "journalist" Nicolas Stix' obsession with the Channon Christian, Christopher Newsom's allegedly purchased drug fueled, black thug sex weekend getaway gone wrong prove he has the same apparent racist and sexually psychotic desire of the 21 year old, white male Christopher Newsom whose friend is believed to have shot him in the weekend of January 6, 2007? According to one leading racial psychologist, it does.

"The incidence of white males wanting what they perceive as violent and ultimately fatalistic black, thug sex continues to increase," the psychologist says. "One of the tale-tell signs of those of them who are often times sub consciously but even sometimes even overtly seeking it is what we call obsessive fixation. This happens when people like Stix become fixated on incidents where it has already occurred. In Stix' case the psychologist says obsessive fixation is taking place.

(ABOVE) UPM Network contributer admits his desire to be (what many white males are calling) "Christopher Newsom(ed)."

"... that's what Stix wants it to be because it appears to be what he desires."

"Coupled with Stix' apparent fixation on the black males involved in the incident is his continued representation of the weekend as a "carjacking, robbery rape & murder," the psychologist notes. "Though the young brothers involved received guilty verdicts, it is apparent this was not a carjacking. In his mind, though, that's what Stix wants it to be because it appears to be what he desires."